Tatsu Toybox: Year one

Tatsu Toybox: Year one

Tatsu Toybox: Year one 1920 1080 Studio Tatsu

Productive first year of Learning Game Development in Unity

This video shows the highlights and progression in a full year of work (2,080 hours). It started with Research and Development for four months, following eight months of production. Phase One of the Tatsu Toybox framework is near completion. The goal was to create a robust vehicle system with softbody damage capable of working on desktops, consoles, and mobile devices. The result is the creation of Dynamic Colliders, Volumetric Wheels Colliders, Soft-Mesh Dynamics, Damage System, and a Flexible Vehicle System. However, this is only the beginning.

Note: This tech is for internal use only. It is currently not for sale or licensing.

This year has taught me valuable lessons in game development. Following the methods and limitations of other game developers will only limit your growth and progress. Sometimes tutorials and solutions do not exist, and other times your peers will tell you what you are trying to achieve is impossible. Through massive trial and error, I have created new solutions to concepts I believed impossible to do in real-time. It always seems impossible until it is done.

Press and Acknowledgments, Year One

Surprisingly, all of this hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed. Here’s the list of press mentions.

Overall it looks like we did pretty well for year one.

Final words

If you are a Game Developer inspired by my work, remember tutorials are a starting point, not always a final solution. Go further, push harder, and grow your skills. Never stop learning. Good Luck. 🙂

It is finally time to start working on the first game. Thanks for everyone’s support and encouraging words. It has been a great motivator to continue this journey. And to our new visitors, please follow us on Social Media @StudioTatsu for more updates.

  • This looks like so much fun!!! Do you know when the final game will be available and what platforms it will be available on? This looks like a lot of hard work went into it and I can’t wait to try it out. I would suggest multiplayer and maybe mobile support? I can’t wait to see how it turns out. Good luck with the game development!!

    • The first of many games will be announced soon for PC. We have several games planned, including games for mobile. Multiplayer isn’t a priority at the moment, but it is planned for our later games. Titles and release dates are not confirmed yet.

    • When do y’all estimate for it to release on mobile? Anytime 2020? And will it be available for Android?

      • No estimation because there are still too many unpredictable factors with COVID-19.
        We plan to release games on mobile devices (iOS and Android) sometime after the first PC release.

  • when will you make a vehicle system demo

    • I’ve created a private Tech Demo sometime ago but it was misused. I do not have plans to release another at the moment.

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